Here is a list of colors used in this painting – do you think it was too many??? By my count, there are 28 colors listed below! I just don’t understand that “limited palette” idea!

Table - Sepia, Van Dyke brown, quin gold deep (limited), monte amiata
Background and areas on the various cans - Hooker’s green, sap green, thalo blue and thalo turquoise
Beets - Quin magenta, perylene maroon
Lima beans - hooker’s green
Tomato – quin sienna, perylene scarlet, quin gold deep (limited)
Cans - sodalite
Also – appearing in a supporting role – quin gold, indanthrone blue (seems I can’t paint a painting without these two!), quin. burnt orange, permanent brown, permanent lemon yellow, arylide yellow, aureolin yellow, Venetian red, Indian red, French ultramarine, raw sienna, cobalt teal, cobalt blue, cerulean blue
Most of these colors are from Daniel Smith.

Shaker Fast Food, watercolor on Arches 300#, 15x22