Happy Halloween!

Mariah Carey and hubby Nick Cannon

Kim Kardashian

Lance Bass

The Today Show Crew

Lydia Hearst Shaw


Here are more bricks for this year’s auction from my friends. (I’m hoping they won’t be mad at me for putting their bricks on here, since I didn’t ask for permission from them).

We Can! - My friend Nancy did this one – it’s her first time and I think she did a super job! My son was curious about how she created the rocks and girl – and so am I! Hmmmmmmm . . . . .
Reaching Out - My friend Sharon did this one. She constantly amazes and impresses me with her artistic abilities. The hand is that of her daughter, Eleanor. Way too cool!
Yoga brick - Linda is a yoga teacher, so here are two views of her Yoga brick so you can see all of the wording – Ommmmmmm!

Here is a photo of the day of the auction – there was a good crowd all afternoon. Sadly, before I left, neither of my bricks had been bid on – but two of the others had! We were told that following the auction, some people just buy the brick for the stated opening bid. Starting bids (set by the organizers of the event) for mine were $50 for Birdbrain Lane and $75 for Memo Brick – perhaps that was too high? Some of the bricks started bidding at $25, others as high as $125-$150! But it's all for a great cause.

Happy Halloween

Breast Implants for the Olsen Twins?

According to an online source, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen have gotten into an argument about getting breast implants. Click here for the story if you are interested in these two billionaires.

I've never understood the enduring interest in these two. I still see them as two little babies from Full House.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

BRICK AUCTION, October 26, 2008

Through a friend of mine, I found out about a brick auction which raises funds for breast cancer. This event has been going on for several years. You can read more about it at http://www.breastcancerbricks.org/.

The bricks can be simply painted or items can be added to them (mosaics, cloth, beads, etc.). The main criteria is that each brick must have the pink cancer ribbon displayed on it somewhere. I think it’s a novel idea and always wonder if my brick will “sell”. They have a silent auction with the bricks set up on tables and then they usually also have a live auction at some point with a local newsman officiating. Various sponsors have raffles and of course there is food and wine, so it makes for a pleasant afternoon or evening.

The first time I entered a brick, several years ago, my first brick was “Gina Lola Brickada”, based on Gina Lola Brigida (of course!) I had read somewhere that she is an artist and I thought that she would get a kick out of finding herself the basis of a “sexy brick” (never would have thought you would hear those two words together!). Here are photos of that one. Be aware that this is a digital photo of actual photos – they were taken long before I purchased a digital camera. Gina has been painted from all sides – she’s just headless! Also legless and armless, but, hey, she’s a brick after all!

Gina Lola Brickada

Next there was “Racing for the Cure” – below is another digital photo of my photos – and when I painted this one my son was impressed! He said I pretty much got the muffler, etc. correct on the bottom of the brick. If you cannot see it well, I tried to paint it as though you were looking at each side of a race car (both sides, top, bottom, front and back) so that all sides of the brick were painted.

Racing for the Cure It is interesting here to note that there was a brick with the title “Race for the Cure” this year! It involved little toy cars on a race track around the brick! There was also a Marilyn Monroe brick and “Brick Jagger” – jagged brick with big lips painted on – too cute!

The following year I painted “Checkmate” – you can view this one at the above website on the “Contact us” page! I must not have taken photos of this one myself.

This year I’ve done two more – “Monday on Birdbrain Lane” which was prompted by my locating tiny clothes pins at the Michael’s store and then some little bitty birdhouses! Once the idea was formed I searched throughout the store for something to use as “grass” and found some sort of plant cover that worked great, as well as the little tiny birds.

Monday on Birdbrain Lane And, last but not least, the one I’m most happy with – the “Memo Brick”. This one was a couple of years in the making since I wanted to do it last year, but they canceled the event then. So this brick languished in my studio for almost two years! I had the idea bouncing around in my head but couldn’t figure out how to make it look like a blackboard, etc. I finally borrowed a really neat tool from my husband so I could cut the wood and miter it for the frame around each side. This one took a long time, since I had to paint each strip of wood, then cut the miter and glue them together so they had a tight fit - not that easy on a brick! – and let them sit overnight to make sure they were solid before moving on to the next side – and there are 6 sides to a brick!!! The “blackboard” was made by spraying Krylon blackboard paint and the magnetic board by spraying Krylon magnetic paint. My daughter and I searched for small office items and happened upon a cute little kit at the dollar store! So that’s where the little stapler, tape dispenser, pencil and scissors came from! Then to get a piece of “chalk” I was forced to purchase a small set of pastels! In order to keep them all attached I used Velcro tabs. To keep the paper clips in the container I glued a small piece of magnet in the bottom. I think it would make a cool gift for a teacher, or actually anyone with a desk (which is pretty much everyone!).

Memo Brick

Sam and Lindsay Take The Subway

Spotted: Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan at an NYC Spring Street subway station. Who knew they rode public transportation?! That's actually pretty cool : )

Congrats to the Phillies

The Philadelphia Phillies are the 2008 World Series champions. My colleagues at GT World Headquarters in Yardley, PA are very happy. I'd say we are disappointed in Chicago, but we really aren't. After 100 years of futility, can we realistically expect anything from the Cubs?
In honor of the Phils, I found this shot of Fergie Jenkins, who was originally signed by them. Much is made of the many bad moves by the Cubs over the years (and they have made many), but people often forget the trade that brought Jenkins to the north side. Jenkins went on to win 20 games for 6 straight seasons in Chicago. After stints in Texas and Boston, Jenkins finished his career back with the Cubs, just missing their 1984 playoff run.
Fergie Jenkins and me at AU Sports in Skokie, IL-Summer 2005.

New Camera & Exclusive previews

Finally my old camera broke after 7 years . I can still use it but every time i buy something to repair it something else broke . So i decided that this time i would invest on a new camera instead .

My old camera was a Sony DCS 707 that can only accept a Memory stick of 256 MB maximum because this was the first one of that line that came out and they didn't make them to be able to accept the next generation of cards. The DSC 717 that came out a few month after could accept memory sticks of more than 1 G, which was really great at that time . It was was a 5.0 mega pixels. I think the designs was great and i don't know why but it reminds me of the Millennium Falcon in star Wars , an Awesome piece of technology and always falling apart .

My New camera is a Canon EOS Rebel XSI - with a 100mm lens . It is great because if i decide to upgrade i can still keep the lens because it is compatible with other canon case. It is a 12.20 mega pixels and got a 4 G memory card .

I also receive the Genuine Baltic Amber that i had previously written an article about .
Click here to read the previous post . I took the picture with my new Steampunk ring with my new camera .

This is a close up to show the details in the Amber .
You can click on the picture to enlarge and see the details.

I can see particles inside the beads and different kind of residue . In this one it looks like a plant of some sort. Amber is also known to imprison insects over 40 million years ago .
I will see if i can get a microscope .
These beads are really Awesome with the brass .

St. Leon, IN Pole Raising - October 25, 2008

Here’s a little history lesson for you! Once upon a time in our country a hickory pole was raised prior to the presidential election. Well, here in our little corner of the world, it still is. St. Leon, Indiana is the only place in the country that still adheres to the tradition and I’ll give you the run down according to our local paper:

“The pole raising is the centerpiece of an all-day celebration that includes a parade, political and patriotic oratory . . . and plenty of food and old-fashioned fun. . . On the morning of St. Leon’s pole raising residents will go to the woods with a crosscut saw to cut the hickory pole. The pole will be draped across two or three hay wagons . . . then the pole is raised to standing by rope-tugging, heave-ho man (and woman) power . . . the pole remains until after a new president is elected.”

It’s always a democrat who locates the hickory tree, and a group of local democrats who cut it down and it’s all very hush, hush as to where the tree is growing until it’s cut. The side branches are all cut off, thus the reference to the hickory “pole” but a few small branches are left at the top. Now a painted chicken is attached to the pole, but in the past (and to this day on a small tree) a caged rooster was attached to the top of the tree. In the past there have been some vandalism incidents dealing with the pole but hopefully that won’t happen this year. I’m told that one year someone found out where the pole was to be cut and a group from the opposing political party cut it down first!

Anyway . . . I got there before the parade began and got a great spot at the side of the road by the fire house from which to take pictures. Except for the “gentlemen” behind me, the brisk wind blowing, the candy pelting me, the fire engines blasting their horns and the steam engine tooting, it was a perfect place to stand!!!

The local high school marching band, flag bearers and dancers along with the American Legion color guard, several old cars and tractors, the aforementioned steam engine and fire vehicles, horse-drawn wagon, lawn mowers and political candidates made up the parade. Lots of candy made it into (or onto!) the crowd (it's a tradition for all of the parade participants to throw candy to the crowd). Following the parade we all walked to the field behind the church. Again the band played and patriotic songs were sung while the pole was prepared for raising. However, I didn’t stay for the main event since the politicos began their speeches prior thereto! I did go back the next day to take a photo of the raised pole which will remain until after the election.

There is such a sense of community here and it makes me happy to know that I’m on a first name basis with people in a 20-mile radius and even know a couple of the local candidates personally - in the city I didn’t know my neighbors! Here are a few photos of the day. Hope you enjoy this little slice of Americana!

The plaque

The crowd gathers before the parade

American Legion Post 464 Color Guard.

St. Leon, IN Volunteer Fire Department fire engine.

That "blasted" steam engine - driven by a woman! - towing the hickory "pole".

East Central High School, St. Leon, IN, marching band

East Central High School, St. Leon, IN flag corps

Bill Yelton and his locally famous flag painted truck

The little pole - with caged chicken attached! In case I didn't make this clear (!) this chicken was for "show purposes" only and was taken home the same day. The wooden picture of a chicken attached to the tall pole remains until after the election.

St. Joseph Church, St. Leon, IN - circa 1840!

The pole laying sideways, being propped up prior to raising it.

The crowd pulls the large ropes to raise the pole.

The pole raised - it will stand until a president is elected.
NOTE: Since I’ve been trying to keep my posts related to art, you may be wondering “How does this relate to art?” Well, I got lots of pictures, some of which may turn into paintings some day!

Rug Hooking

I finished a little rug hooked face. It is small, about 5 x 5 inches. I will be making it into a little pillow that could be used for a pincushion ,,,, or just left as a little pillow.

Introducing Zuma

Gwen Stefani took new baby Zuma out for his first public appearance! Spotted in Beverly Hills, the two were going to the library. How cute is he?!

A Hulking Presence

I have met Lou Ferrigno a few times. He's a very personable guy. He also seems to make a nice living from the celeb conventions. He is organized and stocked with a good amount and variety of photos. He puts out the right amount of energy (just enough to capture people without overwhelming them).
I like Ferrigno because he reminds me of simpler times. The Incredible Hulk was a great tv show. It was intriguing, simple and well-written. Now, mind-blowing special effects dominate the movie versions of the Hulk. Ferrigno was the special effects for the tv show.
Lou Ferrigno and me at the Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI-May 2007.


This is Olivia. She frequents tag sales, and looks for scarfs to warm her neck for the winter months. 8 x 10, acrylic, canvas, molding paste.


Whenever I have been away from painting for a little while, I find my work changes at first. Sometimes dramatically and sometimes more subtle. I made this painting last night, craving and starving to try something new.
This is "Trudy", and she is a little whack! She loves to wear new hats! She especially loves the color red.
I may put her in my etsy shop soon.

Horus Heresy: Flight of the Eisenstein

I was really looking forward to this cover, I'd wanted to do a proper Warhammer 40,000 'monster' for a long time and what better monster than a Daemon of Nurgle! The Imperial Fist lying on the steps was a direct reference to the marines on the 'Rogue Trader' cover. In the end, BL wanted the Nurgle head to look like the 'Realms of Chaos' cover by Les Edwards, I was only too happy to update it, it's a fantastic image to pay homage to.

Trivia: The far columns are taken from holiday photos of the ancient ruins in Rome, who says you can't mix business with pleasure?

Quote of the Day

"He's a bit of whore this year" - Chase Crawford on his Gossip Girl character Nate Archibald.

MK & A Launch Influence

Today fashionista style icons, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen launched their coffee table book Influence. They celebrated by holding a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Union Square, NYC. The book features their own interviews with respected artists and designers who have influenced them throughout the past 10 years including Christian Louboutin, Karl Lagerfeld and Lauren Hutton. There are great photos, personal touches and if you love fashion and MK & A, you'll more than appreciate this work of art!

A Bunch of Losers

The NBA basketball season starts today. Who knows what kind of season my Chicago Bulls will have? They have been very inconsistent over the last few years.
One team who was consistent was the Losers. They...we were consistently bad. The Losers were my intramural basketball team during my senior year at Mt. Carmel. I was the starting off-guard (accent on off), although I am not really sure we had positions, except for Tom 'Hammer' Skalski. He was definitely our big man in the middle (and our enforcer, a role he gladly filled).
Other Losers included Dave 'Mooner' Plonczynski, Greg 'Ness' Nessinger, Keith Urbon, Mike Szotek, John Fleszewski, Jim 'Fish' Fisher, Todd Kruk and Ed Mann. We had a great time and even won 1 game. Each Loser will have his time to shine here, but for today, Tom Skalski gets his turn.

Dave Plonczynski, an opponent (in blue) and Tom Skalski in Mt. Carmel gym in Chicago, IL-Spring 1983.

12 Year Old Boy Scouts Volunteer to Give Women Breast Exams

12-Year-Old Boy Scouts Volunteer To Give Women Breast Exams

This funny video is from the Onion. Check it out if you want a good chuckle.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.

Tragedy Strikes Jennifer Hudson

Friday afternoon, the mother and brother of Oscar-winner/songstress Jennifer Hudson were both fatally shot in Chicago and her 7-year-old nephew Julian went missing. In custody is William Balfour (sister Julia's estranged husband), stepdad to little Julian. No charges have been filed as of yet.

Hudson left a message for her fans on her MySpace page this weekend:

"Thank you all for your prayers and your calls … Please keep praying for our family and that we get Julian King back home safely. If anyone has any information about his whereabouts please contact the authorities immediately. Here is a picture of Julian and what he was last seen wearing. Once again thank you all for being there for us through this tough time."

Update: Sadly, this morning, Julian's body was found in the rear seat of the SUV investigators had been searching for.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jennifer and her family during this most horrific time.

Chapter #1 : Composition of the Default Dimension

Recently i have started (to build an imaginary world) to compose a text about my scientific experiments. My current project is too describe the nature of the powers of my rings . This is the beginning of a long journey into (the world of imagination) the true nature of existence . Sometimes it's more than a journey , it's a trip , sometimes you never comeback.

Chapter #1
Composition of the Default Dimension:

The dimension we are most familiar with is the one that our senses can perceive easily. As human our senses are limited compared to other species . For instance we cant see as well as an eagle or perceive space and time like a bat. Nevertheless our intellect is the most distinct sense that allows us to cleverly analyze reality and with our infinite imagination we can create inventions that enhance the vision of our environment.

After studying the composition of different uncommon materials i have invented a wearable form of Apparatus that allows the bearer to channel his focus on a specific dimension.

I have discovered intriguing folks and marvelous creature living in different time and space. These dimensions are a part of the world that surrounds us, they are invisible layers of existence , Harmonized into one default plane of existence. The reality as we know it .

I will eventually have time to explain the metaphysical effects of the stones used in the rings .
I will describe new mythology of these long forgotten worlds and explore new forms of life , I might also show you a few pictures i took during my dimensional travels.

Um--- let me just say...Farewell and I hope to hear from you soon,

'' A simple Time & Space traveler ''

Can you see the mysterious Castle in the clouds?

This is one of the numerous artifact i have found during my travel.
I haven't decided yet what i will do with it , A bracelet or a Pendant ?

Friendly Encounters

This is the first in a series of meetings of my friends and celebs.

I have known Jake for most of his li
fe. I have seen him grow into a fine (and big) almost 9 year old. Recently, Jake has started getting interested in the Chicago White Sox and pro wrestling (AJ Pierzynski would cover both). He also expressed an interest in meeting some celebs with me. He was disappointed when he found out that his mom and I met Mick Foley years ago without him (even though he would have been too young to remember).
Five years ago, Jake had his first documented encounter with a celebrity (Santa Claus does not count). Jake met Sir Topham Hatt, the head of the railway in the Thomas the Tank Engine series. I have a theory on the whole Thomas series, but I'll leave that for another post. For now, I present a happy youngster, my pal Jake.
Jake and Sir Topham Hatt in Chicago, IL-October 2003.

New pottery pieces

Yay for new pottery!!! As I mentioned in my previous post it's been a VERY long time since I have thrown on a wheel. My class session is only 8 classes and we are near the end now. That means I only have next week to throw my last pieces since they have to go into the bisque fire then glazed, then on to the high fire. It is about a three week turn around from start of a piece to finish. I have about 8 pieces in the bisque fire now and I hope to get them all glazed on Thursday when my class meets. This has been waaaay to short of a time, I'm just getting the hang of things and now class is winding down. I'm thinking of taking my next class at a community college where the sessions are longer.