Chapter #1 : Composition of the Default Dimension

Recently i have started (to build an imaginary world) to compose a text about my scientific experiments. My current project is too describe the nature of the powers of my rings . This is the beginning of a long journey into (the world of imagination) the true nature of existence . Sometimes it's more than a journey , it's a trip , sometimes you never comeback.

Chapter #1
Composition of the Default Dimension:

The dimension we are most familiar with is the one that our senses can perceive easily. As human our senses are limited compared to other species . For instance we cant see as well as an eagle or perceive space and time like a bat. Nevertheless our intellect is the most distinct sense that allows us to cleverly analyze reality and with our infinite imagination we can create inventions that enhance the vision of our environment.

After studying the composition of different uncommon materials i have invented a wearable form of Apparatus that allows the bearer to channel his focus on a specific dimension.

I have discovered intriguing folks and marvelous creature living in different time and space. These dimensions are a part of the world that surrounds us, they are invisible layers of existence , Harmonized into one default plane of existence. The reality as we know it .

I will eventually have time to explain the metaphysical effects of the stones used in the rings .
I will describe new mythology of these long forgotten worlds and explore new forms of life , I might also show you a few pictures i took during my dimensional travels.

Um--- let me just say...Farewell and I hope to hear from you soon,

'' A simple Time & Space traveler ''

Can you see the mysterious Castle in the clouds?

This is one of the numerous artifact i have found during my travel.
I haven't decided yet what i will do with it , A bracelet or a Pendant ?