
Crazy week! Since starting the Crimson Daggers I've done a lott of work D:. Trying to juggle this with freelance and now its finally coming together... Got a good rotation going on now! Goes something like this -

Life Painting from Observation

Painting from photos(landscapes, portraits, nude figures)

Master Studies

Then whatever else I can fit inbetween, mostly just technical information on illustration and whatnot. It'll be better to have the structure though. Other than that I got Zach and Andrew Domo hosting Crimson Daggers LiveStreams as well! Lots of really great work being produced!

Heres a study from my lifestream today. I do them @ 9am EST and they run about an hour, this one was an hour and 20 minutes.

Finishing up a good amount of deadlines between now and Christmas so I'll see what I can post up here... But it'll probably be lots of studies haha. At least for a little while.

Metal! Universe - 'Stories from the Old Days'