Meeting a Fellow Blogger

Last Tuesday morning I met Ginny Stiles and her husband, Greg, for breakfast in Harrison, OH. They were on their way from northern Wisconsin to Florida and were passing through the area.

This is the second time I've met another fellow blogger in person (other than those I already know!) The first time was at an art show in the area when a friend was going to take my photo with my painting and a woman was standing in front of my painting. When we approached she just said "Hello Deb". Well, I had no idea who she was, and then she introduced herself as someone who followed my blog! We chatted a while, and now I have re-met her at our GCWS meetings in the summer and we sometimes email back and forth.

So - even though we do sometimes live far apart, and I'm sure we all figure we will never meet - never say never!

The photo above is of Ginny - full of oatmeal!!!! - standing in front of our local Cracker Barrel. Sounds like she and her husband are having a pleasant trip, visiting their way home.

Perhaps we will meet again some day!

p.s. In the event that Ginny posts a photo on her blog of "someone" who she claims to be me - unless that person is tall, blond, thin, young and gorgeous - it is an imposter!!!