A (Erin) Gray Day in Lincolnwood

Erin Gray co-starred on Silver Spoons and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Her role on Rogers as Col. Wilma Deering is seen as one of the first strong female characters in the science fiction genre.
Prior to Rogers, Gray made an appearance on Magnum P.I. as Joy 'Digger' Doyle. This role was intended to become a recurring character and possibly even a spin-off. For whatever reason, that did not happen.
I met Gray several years ago at a Hollywood Collectors Show. This particular show was rather small and I don't remember much about meeting Gray. Perhaps it was because of the Buddy Hackett purple gloves (see earlier post). I do know there wasn't much of a line for any of the celebs at this show.
I think Gray would do better at a show like the Motor City Comic Con, where should would be surrounded by other celebs in the science fiction realm. When you get those sci-fi fans together, the money starts flying.
Erin Gray and me in Lincolnwood, IL-mid 1990's.