Otto Dix & the Rouge Cabaret.

Mysterious? Terrifying? Intriguing?
Mysterious. Terrifying. Intriguing. These are the 3 words that come to mind when I think about Otto Dix's work.

Otto Dix was a German artist haunted by his experiences during WWI, and these experiences are greatly visible in his artwork. He captured the horrific and common, from brothels to battlefields. The exhibition Rouge Cabaret is being shown at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Rouge Cabaret Exhibition) and is a North American premiere.
Realistic or absurd?
Do you find his depictions realistic?

I find his pieces so compelling. They're repulsive, yet attractive. How does Dix's work relate to our own day? What do you think he would portray today? Anyone know anything interesting about Otto Dix? I've only recently discovered him.



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