Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly feature highlighting friends who have met celebs.

I first discovered Tornado, Layne and Peri Toth while doing research for a piece on the Motor City Comic Con. It was a blast meeting the trio at the 2009 MCCC. They are really larger-than-life and a flurry of activity.
Layne and Peri are the sister team behind
Sisters Comics. Tornado is their aptly nicknamed father. Together they showed me a big and impressive sampling of their work.
One of the great parts of my job has been meeting people like the Toth family. I have kept up with their exploits and look forward to seeing them again in the future. I encourage everyone to check out their work on the Sisters Comics site.
For today though, I am featuring Layne and Peri presenting a bit of their artwork to veteran actor Felix Silla. Silla was very impressed and happy to pose with the art and the young ladies.

Peri Toth, Felix Silla and Layne Toth in Novi, MI-May 2008.