Divas on Display

One cool part of conventions is when the celebrity guests mingle with each other. This usually presents photo opportunities featuring rare combinations of celebs. I actually stumbled into one such occasion at the Ultimate Collectibles Show in Oaks (PA).
I had basically finished all of my work and was meandering towards the exit. The aisle in front of me was unusually clogged. I thought a big new celeb had arrived.
As I worked my way through the mob, I saw seven wrestling divas (past and present) assembled for a group photo. As I explained earlier, this was a rare chance to get a group photo of so many divas from the WWE, WCW and TNA. The ladies gladly posed as fan after fan captured the moment. Everyone wanted to get a picture of this Diva All-Star team.
Stacy Carter, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, Jackie Gayda-Haas, ODB, Georgie Frankenstein and SoCal Val in Oaks, PA-October 2010.