Dolly Parton's "Shock and Awe" Breast Implants

Dolly Parton has recently announced a postponement of her tour due to a back injury, possibly stemming from her huge breasts. She has recently nicknamed them "Shock and Awe." According to the Huffington Post, she stated:

"I know I have been breaking my neck and bending over backwards trying to get my new Backwoods Barbie CD and world tour together, but I didn't mean to hurt myself doing it! But hey, you try wagging these puppies around a while and see if you don't have back problems. Seriously though, the doctors said I will be good as new in a few weeks & I can't wait to get back out there!"

Her breasts are so large in proportion to her frame that if they were real, many insurance companies would pay for her to have a breast reduction for medical reasons. Maybe she should rename her breasts "Ache and Pain!"

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed on Fox News, click here.

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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.