Be afraid, be very afraid ...

The title of this post is how my family feels when they hear me say, "Hey, let me ask you this ...."  My 24 y/o son, who I've been advertising was 25 until he reminded me last week!, immediately thinks "HEAVY!" He's usually right.

So when I asked him to help Jim and me move the 10,000 lb. stainless steel table in my studio, he said, "How's an old lady, a gimp-ass old man, and one guy who's reasonably fit going to move this?"  I said, "We're going to push it with our butts ... errr, I mean backs!"  Well, we did it  ...  Of course, when David asked me, "What does a hernia feel like?"  I answered, "You don't have one."  He accepted it ... so we moved on! :-)

These are a series of photos of what the studio looked like during it's transition.  The photos need no explanation other than to say, "Come back next week, y'all, to see the finished results!"

The most important thing in the studio!