Backup Catcher Hall of Fame Thoughts

The Backup Catcher Hall of Fame is gaining momentum with each passing day (or at least every time I mention it). Cuzz Gekas and I are finally seeing our dream come true after years of hard work. We have established our first class of inductees (Duffy Dyer, Bob Montgomery, Bill Plummer and Jeff Torborg). Vince Saputo has shown his support by tossing out several names for consideration.
Still, the question lingers as to how these players would feel about the BCHOF. The original idea was meant as an honor, but would ex-catchers see it that way?
Cuzz summed up his views with, "For BCs it is not simply a matter of donning the mask and gear and squatting behind the plate. It is a way of life. We are trying to reward the grinders who show up everyday knowing their playing time is limited but always have to be ready. They know they will never be stars or even starters, but approach their craft with a certain nobility."
Vince chimed in with, "No insult at all. These men had a career in baseball at its most physically punishing position. Many played on winning teams behind superb catchers. They knew, going in, that it would be a journeyman's task, not one of celebrity. Even after 10 years or more, they had to go out and get "real" jobs when catching days were over! That you have taken time to recognize their contribution should be taken as an honor."
I think our intent is clear. What about others? What do you think? Most importantly, what would a backup catcher think? What would Larry Haney think?
I really plan on asking a catcher some day about this. I just couldn't ask Haney when we met him. The logistics were bad (and obviously, so was our photographer!).
(Future BCHOF'er?) Larry Haney, Cuzz Gekas and me in Waukesha, WI-February 2010.