This past weekend, Bob Uecker was inducted into the Hall of Fame...for the WWE. Still, I can add him to my list of interviews with Hall of Famers.
My chat with Uecker was unplanned, but there is a bit of history behind it. In 2007, on a baseball trip to Milwaukee, Chuck T. Gekas, JayHawk Evans and I almost talked to him in the pressbox. That was a bit of a spontaneous thing, too. Because it was unplanned, we didn't have our usual press credentials and we were a bit late getting to the pressbox. Uecker was about to go on the air.
Early in 2009, my friend and GT big cheese Fran Gallagher golfed with Uecker near Philadelphia (PA). I featured Fran and Uecker in a Friendly Encounters.
In July of 2009, my nephew (and videographer) Matt and I were on the field in Milwaukee when we saw Uecker enter the dugout and sit on the bench. I approached him and mentioned the Gallagher golf adventure. Uecker gave me a short, funny rant on Fran and asked us a few questions. I posted the Uecker interview on YouTube (with all of my interviews).
My chat with Uecker was unplanned, but there is a bit of history behind it. In 2007, on a baseball trip to Milwaukee, Chuck T. Gekas, JayHawk Evans and I almost talked to him in the pressbox. That was a bit of a spontaneous thing, too. Because it was unplanned, we didn't have our usual press credentials and we were a bit late getting to the pressbox. Uecker was about to go on the air.
Early in 2009, my friend and GT big cheese Fran Gallagher golfed with Uecker near Philadelphia (PA). I featured Fran and Uecker in a Friendly Encounters.
In July of 2009, my nephew (and videographer) Matt and I were on the field in Milwaukee when we saw Uecker enter the dugout and sit on the bench. I approached him and mentioned the Gallagher golf adventure. Uecker gave me a short, funny rant on Fran and asked us a few questions. I posted the Uecker interview on YouTube (with all of my interviews).
The interview slowly gained viewers and ratings. Then suddenly, it seemed to gain a new life. When I checked the 'stats and data', I saw that it was reposted on the Howard Stern Fan Network message board. I am not sure about the connection, but I am grateful for the bump in attention.

(Photo courtesy of