Four days and three nights thru the heart of Tasmania with Dustin Dollin, Tony Trujillo, Keegan Sauder, Andrew Allen, Chima Ferguson, and Gilbert Crockett.
Click below for the full gallery of photos.
The first night of camping was riverside. Ah, the great outdoors...
Keegan shows Trujillo how to properly mount the hammock tent.
Good morning Jamie. Back to your tent!
Trujillo is always up to something. Not sure what's going on here though...
Yes, there was lots of skating as well.
Andrew, Moey, and Rhino strike a pose. Good times!
Cooking amidst rain and high winds. Nothing can stop chef O'Meally!
The second night of camping was on the north coast.
Keegan sat permanent middle in the mellow van.
Charging thru the Tasmanian forest.
This kind woman helped show the way.
Yes, this bird is real. Dollin can make friends with just about anyone.
Tony and Keegan taking a break from the road.
Chima relaxes after taking a high speed ride thru the forest chute.
The third night's camp was on Lake Burbury, western Tasmania.
Keegan smartly hung his hammock tent far from the madness.
O'Meally and Dollin share a tender moment just before all hell breaks loose.
Thanks for the memories! Video coming soon...