This is weekly feature highlighting friends who have met celebs.
When we last saw Nick Verveniotis, he was hanging with Ronnie "Woo-Woo" Wickers (not Ronnie "Woo-Woo" Burke). That appearance on Johngy's Beat surely brought Nick a lot of exposure and probably some endorsement deals. Nick has been hounding me ever since to allow him to appear again in Friendly Encounters.
Nick's a good guy, but people are waiting in line to appear in Friendly Encounters. Okay, well maybe some day they will be, but it is an internet sensation. Okay, fine, it is a well-read regular feature on this site.
Still, I must hand out Friendly Encounters' slots judiciously. I couldn't have Nick reappear so quickly. It would look bad, despite how popular Nick is. It would look like I couldn't get others.
Now enough time has passed (and softball season is upcoming and we might need an occasional sub), so it is time to highlight Nick again.
Last time, Nick was with a figure who is extremely animated. This time he is with 5 actual animated characters. I am only reasonably sure he knows they aren't really alive. Even if he doesn't know, he is still probably better off than with his usual friends (me included).