Attack of the J-Lo Diva Monster

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Source: 3am Girls
Remember all those nasty rumors that Jennifer Lopez has one of the biggest baddest diva attitudes around? Those rumors aren't going away anytime soon, if the 3am Girls are right.

They report that 2 hours before she was due to arrive at a Santa Monica recording studio, J-Lo's people delivered a 3 page rider, listing some very off the wall demands. At the top of the list was a demand to have all of the lightbulbs changed out for dimmer ones, and they should be angled so as to make the singer look more "desirable." What??

The source goes on to say: "She wanted fresh, piping-hot Cuban bread which we had to trawl 10 bakeries to find and dozens of packets of Skittles - including the new sour flavor. She also wanted a gourmet meat selection, a separate cheese platter and crates of water and fruit and scented candles.

"We needed to get six extra members of staff to fetch all she needed and lug all the food and crates over."

After all of that trouble, and enough food sitting out for 20 people to eat, J-Lo didn't so much as look at the gourmet spread.

I thought diva's could be diva's because they had the talent to back up their demands.....Oh snap!