In an ever changing and twisting story, Britney Spears is AWOL from parenting, and her ex, Kevin Federline, is coming out looking like a prince in all this turmoil. K-Fed and Brit's mother, Lynne, have joined forces to care for the babies, while Britney's rehab hopping, tattoo attempts, and head shaving is in full force. Who knows where the popstar will end up today, but at least we know the kids are taken care of.
Speaking of the kids, who's taking care of them while their mom rehab-hops and checks into the Hotel Bel-Air? It's none other than Kevin Federline and Britney's mom, Us reports. K-Fed made a call to his own mom, Julie Bleak, on Valentine's Day to ask for help with the kids, and then Lynne Spears, Brit's mom, pitched in to provide round-the-clock care of Sean and Jayden. Bleak, for her part, flew to L.A. on the same day that Spears made her one-day jaunt to Antigua to go to Crossroads Centre. K-Fed is due in court today for an emergency hearing on child custody – who would've believed that he'd end up being the responsible parent?