I am thanking my lucky stars for a few things today.
1) My name is not Perez Hilton.
2) I am not a well-known blogger yet.
3) I had the good sense not to post any of the Jennifer Aniston topless photos stolen from Universal that were outtakes from 'The Break Up'.
Universal is suing Perez for $2 million bucks for posting the photos, and then another mil for each "coke booger" and vulgarity that Hilton feels he has to put on every picture on his site. I've been a Perez fan all the way, but I definitely stay well behind the lines he crosses daily, which is why he's a much more infamous blogger than I. That suits me just fine right now.
The lawsuit states that the photo was "misappropriated and illegally copied," according to court documents obtained by the Smoking Gun, and that Hilton "illegally obtained a copy of all or part of the stolen footage."
Hilton's attorney's responded saying that the picture was just as available for viewing on other Websites, and that because Hilton published the picture "for the purpose of commentary and satire," his actions constitute fair use.
Good luck, Perez!
Best Week Ever and Source