Here it is. This is a photo 20+ years in the making. This is Tom Skalski and me in Wrigley Field recently.
Tom was a great friend from my youth. We went to grade school and high school together. We went to different colleges, but still lived in the same area and kept in contact. I moved to the north side in November of 1990 and had only seen Tom once since then. We ran into each other at a Hawks game at the old Chicago Stadium.
We reconnected last year and finally got together for the Cubs game. We laughed a lot, discussing old times. It really was a great time, just like old times! Tom wore one of his 100+ jerseys and gave me a Cubs hat from Polish Heritage Night.
I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that it won't be 20 years before I see Tom again. Maybe a football game. Maybe just a lunch. It doesn't really matter. For friends, the setting is merely the logistical component in getting together.