If you were visiting LMAJ two weeks ago, this is what you saw ...
What follows are photos of how the studio looks today. Tomorrow may be another matter entirely. I'm a little bit of a tool junkie. Many times I'll ask for tools for presents: Christmas, birthday, anniversary. One year I asked for a stationary tub for Mother's Day ... ! So, this studio has been acquired over about 15 years.
The studio is in a detached building a few steps from the house. Here's the view when I walk into the studio. |
Work tables. Across the continental divide is another set of tables. |
5 lb containers of Thompson Enamel. We're up to over 75 colors! |
The packing area ... with the ever-present stereo! |
Beads, beads and more beads ... waiting for a little color ... or your color! |
3 oz. and 8 oz. jars of enamel waiting to fly off the shelves! |
A rolling mill, bench shear, and a hydraulic die press, which I'll use when I get more time! |
One of the torch areas with a vent hood! This torch uses propane and oxygen from an oxygen concentrator. |
A polishing/grinder gizmo with a filter. To the right are two kilns I've never used to fire enamel! |
Soldering area with pickle pot. |
Bench for working with metal. I simply turn around and I have dapping blocks at the ready. |
Enamels that David, my son, and I use to add color to our beads. Right now they're in alphabetical order but don't check back next week! To the left are plastic bead trays. |
What's on my work bench ... some pendants ... |
and some hearts waiting for paint and resin! |
The studio is very industrial looking. It will never be in "Where Women Create," but it's my little piece of heaven on earth. :-)