'feeling gratitude and not expressing it
is like wrapping a present and not giving it.'
~ william arthur ward
my yearly seasonal sadness descends the day after (not even anymore) halloween when commercial christmas appears... what about thanksgiving? i love this holiday...
as a practice, i try to be thankful for things every day - no matter what... it's not a polly anna outlook, but rather a practical one... it shows me that my world is, in fact, balanced...
knowing that you don't read minds and therefore do not hear my private thoughts of gratitude - i would like to thank you for the support you have given this new group... your interest, participation and comments are very much appreciated... time can be short in our crazy days - thank you for taking yours to be with us as we all check in and share...
wishing you good food, great company and lots of laughter & love - mary jane
When Mary Jane first suggested that we each share something for Thanksgiving, I thought, "What a great idea!" Then I thought, "Geez, it's not every day that I take to time to reflect on what I am really thankful for. I thought that I would give it a few hours and that it would eventually come to me. It's not that I'm not thankful for my family, my health, my job as a teacher and everything else that I have in my life because I am, but I won't be talking about that here.I'm not quite sure how these words will come out so I'm going to just be myself and go with it, like I do with almost every aspect of life. You might have heard the lyrics to a song "I Hope You Dance" by Leean Womack that may have touched you at some time in recent years. This song has special meaning to me for many reasons. When I first heard it, it was on the the radio. The woman that was requesting the song be played was requesting it because the lyrics of the song captured everything that she wanted for her son that was born 9 months after she had been raped. Of course, that had an effect on me. Perhaps, the effect was a little more intense at the time also because I was going through my own very difficult time as were my children. For anyone that may check my shop out on Etsy, you might have noticed that on each listing I ask that you support the fight against dating and domestic violence. That is a topic that is closer to me that seeing it on tv or listening to the horror stories that may result from this in the news.
Although, life is peaceful now, I am thankful for the lyrics of this song. I used to listen to it on a regular basis and took the time to share it with each of my three children letting them know that no matter what, this is what I had hoped for them in their own lives.
Then, one day, it occurred to me that this would be something that my Mom (who passed when I was 25) would have also wanted this for my life. I gradually decided that I also needed to want this for me too. Today, I'm thankful that I made that choice. For each of you who may be struggling in your own lives, I also hope that when you are given the choice to sit it out or dance, that you choose to dance.
Happy Thanksgiving. MaryAnn
Barbara here ... I'm in St. Pete, watching the Miami Heat play the Orlando Magic, best friends of 35 years are sitting with me, yawning and drinking champagne, my daughter is here with her roommate and my son, who turns 25 in a few days, is singing ... he's a minstrel, what can I say.
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Three Amigos ... My two on the right, Laura and David, and Jenny, Laura's roommate, have just finished decorating the tree. |
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Three Amigos II ... from left to right, Oscar, Jenny's little friend, Annie and Donnie, our devoted companions |
These are special moments ... just everyday life with people who love each other, have good health, and everything they need. Not only have I been blessed with good friends and kids that still want to be around me, but my blogging friends have enriched my life beyond measure. As the days have turned into months, I have come to realize how much I appreciate you ... generous and talented artists I have never met but who have given so freely of yourselves. I give thanks for all the times you visited my blog and left a message letting me know that you connected with something I said, for sharing your love of art with me, for your words of encouragement as we navigate together this world of creation with its joys and disappointments.
Hi all and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Thank you all for your time and attention to this wonderful site. I have so very, very much to be thankful for, I hardly know where to start........... (and the eyes are starting to well up..........) My faith and family would have to be first and foremost. I am blessed to have two wonderful parents, 78 and 81, still married , going strong and very much in love. Today, I will get to be with them and the wonderful meal they still insist on preparing. My incredible, loving and supportive husband Steve..... wow......so much to be thankful for with him. God truly blessed me when he put Steve in my path. Health. Happiness. A home.. a job... a jewelry business I love, that lets me be creative......... My incredible friends...... my list is simply endless. I hope everyone reading this can find joy today, and be thankful for the meaningful people in your life. It's not the "things" we have or can accumulate in life that make life special, it's the people, the special moments, and what we each do with the gifts we've been given. It's the laughter and the joy, and to quote Mary Jane, the "infinite moments" . May you all make infinite moments today. Happy Thanksgiving! Kelli
the love and support of my family,
the freedom to express myself in word and action,
brave friends who are willing to defend my freedom even when our political views clash,
the encouragement I receive from so many friends in far away places whom I've not even met yet,
and finally, I am very thankful for a small bit of greenery to hide my bruised nose and ego behind after a little mishap with a door.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!
Hi there, it's Patty, chiming in to say that I'm thankful for...
the love and support of my family,
the freedom to express myself in word and action,
brave friends who are willing to defend my freedom even when our political views clash,
the encouragement I receive from so many friends in far away places whom I've not even met yet,
and finally, I am very thankful for a small bit of greenery to hide my bruised nose and ego behind after a little mishap with a door.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!