Leading off is the king of late night tv, Johnny Carson. Steve of White Sox Cards found the picture and sent it to me for celebrity card creation. The original picture showed Carson clowning around a bit on the field with some other Yankees. Steve's find allowed me to create my oldest card to date and one of my favorites. Thanks Steve.
Art imitates life, as David Letterman follows Carson. Letterman, a native of Hoosier land, donned an old Art Donovan jersey for a tv ad. While Carson's card is fairly true to the form of the 1951 Topps, Letterman's card would not fit the feel of the 1971 Topps football. Still, I like it. How often do you see a player eating chips while watching tv?
Conan O'Brien rounds out this edition with an awesome shot. I have seen pictures of O'Brien in various NHL jerseys, but how could I not use the one of him holding the Stanley Cup (especially if it also features a comfy chair)?