Sharon Stone on Meryl Streep, Plastic Surgery, and "Unmade Bed(s)"

Sharon Stone has recently commented on Meryl Streep's lack of plastic surgery, calling her an 'unmade bed.'

According to Splash News:

The 51-year-old Basic Instinct star made the comment in reference to how good she looks without having plastic surgery.
She said: 'She looks like an unmade bed.'

Stone added that Streep 'looks true. It is a very good reason as an actor not to have surgery, but to do it in the old-fashioned way - to go to the gym and take care of your internal life'.

Asked if she has ever thought about plastic surgery herself, Stone said: 'I'm not saying I might not do a little something later. Not now.'

Not now? What about breast implants? What about some Botox between her eyebrows? I wouldn't want to be called an 'unmade bed.' That sounds wrinkly to me. I'd rather be a futon with throw pillows.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.