Rare Bird of Fashion The Irreverent Iris Apfel, can you say WOW!!! There is an exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum of Iris Apfel a retrospective of her work and it is inspirational! You need to go to this if your a fashion diva or just to see how powerful women can be. My mom and I spent the day playing and wowing and studying everything Iris collected, designed and put together. We were in aw. Every woman in these rooms were so happy and charged it was the most wonderful energy. Her accessories from around the world were just magnificent and super sized. The fabrics "were to die for" all reproductions of exquisite antique material from around the world. This was such a wonderful day to spend with my mother sharing something we both love and appreciate. There is this fun thing at the end that you can take different pieces and mix and match to create your own designs on the computer. All I want to do now is create and share my creativity!