So I did another illustration of one of my favorite more recent RIDSNAP shots. What do you guys think? I enjoyed making this one..There was a lot more detail in the outfit than normal! haha.
Also..Recently, I've kind of had this concept of "art school style"...The name might sound cheezy, but I don't have a better word for it. I'm just imagining a Tokyo/Harajuku/Koenji concept store. I did some sketches in class yesterday..haha. I'm wanting to maybe do some illustrations along these lines..So I'll explain..
The concept would be kind of like workwear/Japanese art school student. After visiting my friend at Zokei Daigaku, it really kind of sparked this interest in me. The look would consist of lots of color, but not too bright. Custom drawings and illustrations on clothing, D.I.Y., paint splatters(but not cheezy), overalls, ragged jumpsuits, artist hats, ink dyed jeans, and even maybe good ol' colored stained rubber gloves.
Is it weird that I think about concepts like this when I'm daydreaming in class? Haha. I want to do some more sketches, and relate it to my art. Let me know what you guys think! It would be a dream to somehow have a store in Harajuku, with used clothing, and something along these lines, which I could incorporate my illustrations into. Just some thoughts! Let me know what you think!