These were modelled purely in 3DSMax, mostly using subdivision modelling, hard edged modelling and booleans (shudders) - with character sheets by the amazing artists over at Privateer.
The were rendered with VRay using basic settings and a lighting/ studio rig similar to that found in my 3D World article.

The above were a lighter class of Warjack, I also modelled a heavier class - love those huge shoulder pads!

The great thing about this project was that the 3D models also formed the basis of the box illustration - so what you see on the box cover is exactly what you get in the box. Very nice.

So now I can also class myself as a miniature sculptor as well. Here are a few shots of the final painted miniatures over at Privateer Press:

(Above and Below)
The final paint job - I'll leave that to the professionals, thankyou!
The final paint job - I'll leave that to the professionals, thankyou!

This was a very involved process from start to finish - and also very rewarding to see it all come together at the end. Hopefully in the not too distant future I'll post up a more detailed "How it's made..." for you.
Also, I'll put up the final illustrations. I'm sure you'll like them.
See you soon!