This past year I:
• was the chairperson for the GCWS spring show for the second year in a row;
• took over part of the membership duties for GCWS;
• had 2 pieces accepted into the Miamisburg Art Guild regional show;
• had 1 piece accepted into the Middletown Arts Center area show;
• won 1st place in the Southeastern Indiana Art Guild spring show;
• was involved in other local groups who each had a spring show and a fall show;
• taught three Saturday classes for DHAC;
• sponsored a workshop for Stephen Blackburn;
• was voted onto the Cincinnati Art Club Board and am Chairperson for the ViewPoint show from 2009-2011;
• taught a series of workshops in my home;
• taught a series of classes for the Cincinnati Recreation Commission.
In addition to being in the shows for the local groups that I belong to (KHAC, GCWS, SIAG) I also had:
• 1 painting accepted into the Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati 116th Annual Exhibit;
• three of my paintings accepted into the Richeson Still Life and Floral show;
• three of my paintings accepted by the Bethesda Foundation to hang at the Mary Jo Cropper Family Breast Center on the Bethesda Hospital Campus;
• one watercolor accepted into the Georgia Watercolor Society members show.
In between all that I managed to head to Tennessee for my annual painting retreat and take trips to Atlanta and Kentucky with my husband.
Good grief – how does one go from doing nothing to doing too much?????
My last year’s resolution was – and the result is:
Become a better blogger – (a partial success) - thanks to Rhonda I’ve learned a few more things, but have not put them all into practice – hopefully as time goes on I’ll add a few more “tricks”!
Learn to paint portraits – (a total failure) - yep – this one follows me around like a bad penny and is on the top of my list again this year!
Post two blogs a week – (a success) - pretty much managed to do so – and some of you may have noticed that I quickly snuck 4 blogs into the last two weeks of the year just to make my 104 for 2009!
My 2010 resolutions are:
1 - Learn to paint portraits!!!
2 - Make more time each week to paint - it should be my JOB!!!
5 - 104 posts for 2010!
P.S. I already feel like a failure for numbers 3 and 4!