This is another in a series about my friends meeting celebrities.
I met Jim Strong at the recent Klinger Promotions event in St. Charles (IL). Strong was photographing Al Snow, Tammy Sytch and all of the fans at the event. I am very glad Strong was there and that I connected with him. My digital camera zonked on me and I was forced to use a disposable camera, which ended up zonking out as well. I talked to Strong and he supplied me with the pictures that I was missing, saving the day.
Strong is a Chicago area photog who has been working on photo sessions or promo pictures. He recently had his first sale to one of the girls from one of his shoots. He has worked some wrestling events and some bikini shoots.
Strong produced great sets of photos for Chicago Style Wrestling, PCWWrestling, Great Lakes Championship Wrestling and others. Strong is always at the heart of the action, getting the best shot. If anyone is interested in Strong's work, you can contact him at
I appreciate Strong helping me with those pictures. I also am happy that he has shared this picture and will be sharing more here in the future.