I've been looking every for a song by FLYamSAM titled Princess Toadstool. I was only able to listen to it on youtube but tonight I decided to go on a song hunt. I don't mean to brag but I fancy myself a pretty good internet bloodhound (able to find almost anything online *smug*) but for some reason I couldn't find this song anywhere. Well... I found it but its complied into a Mixtape. I found it on a blog I occasionally visit called and you can download the mixtape free:

The mixtape is pretty funky, but I still just want the song by itself.... poo! :(

So as a last resort, I download the FLV file from youtube in the hopes of converting it into a mp3. Which was a super awesome-full idea until I realized I didn't have a FLV converter... poo! :(

Blah-blah-blah! I stumbled upon, a site that asks you to provide them with the url of the FLV file (for example: and they convert it into a mp3 file.
As result:

FLYamSAM - Princess Toadstool