They're aint nothing sloppy about the way Chima Ferguson goes about business, that's for sheezy. The 20-year-old dusted over 30 of his talented mates to win the first ever Billabong City Squared captured by Handycam in Sydney.

Sony and Billabong teamed up to build a sweaty looking stair set with a kink rail, bang in the middle of World Square, inner city Sydney. The invites were dished out to the best of the best and they all showed, throwing down some massive hammers for the 5000 or so humans that passed through the packed shopping precinct.

The final was 20-minutes of goodness starting with an effortlessly nailed varial heel delivered by eventual winner Mr. Ferguson. It only got better from there with Shane Azar putting his hand up with a gap to reverse nose grind, Blake Harris holding his own with a gap to frontside feeble followed by a gap to backside over crooks and Sam Giles weighing in with a kickflip frontside 5-0.

Only problem was, Chima was just warming the wheels with his first trick and cemented his rep as one of the most talented street skaters in Oz by rolling out a monster backside 3 down the set, a nollie 3 shouvit and wrapping a tasty frontside big spin boardslide on the kinked rail to finish up. The win was his, no doubt about it.

When the young Blake Harris tweaked his ankle mid way through the final it was kinda down to Giles to put the challenge to Chima and that he did, stomping the trick of the contest on his last run. After trying it four times straight, the kid from the Gong nailed a giant kickflip front lip and just about bought the square down, people were throwing cans off the roof they were so hyped.