I don't know about you, but my nail color/design choices often reflect either a close holiday, or how I happen to be feeling the day I do the manicure. Last night, I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open, due to my husband's new job and the earlier start time we're both trying to adjust to (and not doing so well with). Thought I'd paint sleepy "Z's" on my fingers to reflect my state, and the gold paint pen I was using just would not cooperate (too thin).
Needless to say, I was too tired to fix it, so it will stay until this weekend (and a 4th of July manicure). The blue polish is "Blue Flare" from Avon's new "big 3 free" line, and went on smooth and easy, opaque in one coat. The gold is a Nubar nail art pen. It actually worked better doing my right hand (shown below), because my left fingers apparently didn't put as much pressure on the bottle!

That's it for me this week - happy polishing!