Some source sent photos of Anna Nicole Smith to various bloggers that show her unconscious and nude, with vomit spilling down her chin. Allegedly Howard K. Stern took the photos less than a month before her death, and then showed them to Anna who was supposedly horrified on a number of different levels.
It appears as though Anna was pretty damn drugged up when they were taken. Our source informs us that in a brief moment of clarity, Anna saw these pictures on her digital camera and was terrified not only at her state of intoxication when the photos were shot, but more concerned with why someone would take pictures of her in this state. Anna allegedly relied on "Big Moe," who was her bodyguard as well as her close friend. Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral.
Our source would also like people to know that he sent these photos to bloggers because he felt this was the best way to help Anna Nicole "speak from the grave" and tell her story, specifically that she was taken advantage of and exploited by those closest to her prior to her death while in an obvious incoherent and vulnerable state, and he also hopes bigger, more reputable media outlets will investigate his story. The source didn't ask for any monetary compensation and assures us these photos belong to Big Moe, Anna's bodyguard and close friend.
Click here and here to see the NSFW unedited pics.