Britney Spears faces an arraignment for two driving-related misdemeanors today in Van Nuys, CA. The singer is not required to show up in person. Spears's attorney says that Kim Robard-Rifkin, who owns the 1999 Mercedes-Benz station wagon that Spears hit on August 6 in a San Fernando Valley parking lot, has been compensated approximately $1,000 for the incident. He expects the hit-and-run charge to be dropped. Still to be resolved is the other offense of driving without a valid California driver's license. If convicted, she likely faces a probation term and fines.
Meanwhile, the popstar arrived at the Beverly Hills Hotel yesterday for her first Parenting Without Conflict session, a source close to Spears says. "She's not nervous, she's actually looking forward to it," said the source. The singer's ex-husband, Kevin Federline, was reportedly at the hotel as well. Although the program strongly urges that parents take the course together, it is not mandatory. The former couple must have completed at least three sessions of joint co-parenting counseling before a progress hearing in court this Friday.