Meanwhile, the Simple Life star allegedly threw a tantrum at a Toronto adult store last Wednesday, demanding that the manager take down posters promoting her infamous sex tape. The best part? It was all captured on the store's surveillance tapes. "You guys can't use my image in a porn store," a woman said to be Hilton was heard saying. "I'm going to call my lawyer and sue the [expletive] out of this place. I really want them down because they're mean and this is not right. I'm really serious, this is disgusting. And I want the other ones too or I'm calling the [expletive] cops." Shortly after leaving the store, a man claiming to be Hilton's manager returned and told the staff to keep the incident quiet, threatening a lawsuit for defamation of character if the tape of Hilton's meltdown were to be leaked. Of course, the porn proprietors quickly called up every media outlet they could and are now negotiating for rights to the footage with two U.S. tabloid shows. Offers are said to have reached $50,000.