Last week, my mother in law and I went down to Babies R Us to pick out some nursery furniture and other necessities. Tom and I set up the crib and the changing table in the baby's room (formerly my beading room!) and it just looks fantastic. I now have a new cozy corner in the basement, and while the light is less than ideal, I have a couple of good lamps and an Ott Lite that provides me with plenty of working light.
Now that I'm semi-organized down there, I finally started to pick up my beads again. I did manage to get out into the garage to make some fused glass a few weeks ago, but since the temperature dropped and the heater isn't working out there, I've had to cut back on the time I spend out there. (Not to mention the fact that I'm nearly out of glass and completely out of money with which I could buy more glass!) But I signed on to do the Beadin' Path's new bead challenge, Behind the Mask, and I've had some ideas already that I am working on.
So, with parenthood imminent, I'm really starting to think about how I can sell my work to make a living from home so that I can stay at home and raise my son. I still feel like I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but life is a journey, not a destination, right? I just have to work it out as I go.
Well, it's getting late, and I need to get a snack and then get some sleep. We had Tom's parents and Rob over for dinner last night, and it was great - the first time we've had dinner guests since I started with this whole nausea thing - but today, I was completely exhausted!