Quick Summary on Britney's Wreckarrific Life

The NY Daily News summarizes several publications thoughts on Britney Spears and what has become of her trainwreck of a life. It pretty much says it all.

All those who wish Britney Spears would move to East Ashtray, Manitoba, get a real job, be a real mom, and never be heard from again, raise your hands. Alas, she continues to be in our faces, and TMZ.com reports that she passed her drug test over the weekend. Still, OK! magazine has a highly detailed story of her partying at the posh Peninsula Hotel just hours after having her children taken away. After offering to pay her "friend" $1,000 to go get her some DVDs, she supposedly was nonplussed about her ex, Kevin Federline, getting child custody. A source claims to OK! that "when the subject of her boys' custody came up, one of the girls told Britney, "Don't worry, you'll get your kids back.' Britney replied: ‘I don't give a s— anymore. I never wanted them in the first place.'" She allegedly partied until 3 a.m. the night before she had a 10 a.m. visitation from her children, which she missed. And with a mansion in Beverly Hills, what's she doing in hotels anyway? Star mag claims that's where she met her drug dealer, whom it identifies as a petite brunette. Spears' beleaguered spokeswoman, Gina Orr at Jive Records, did not return our call.