Dumba** popwreck Britney Spears really can say "Oops! I did it again!" now that the judge in her child custody case has awarded temporary full physical custody of the kids to K-Fed.
Yesterday L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon finally got fed up at Brit's actions, or lack of action, as the case may be. Spears failed to fulfill any of the stipulations Gordon had set forth in order for 50/50 custody to be maintained, and when shown photos of Brit driving the kids around Malibu without a valid driver's license, revoked custody.
So what did Brit Brit do after turning her boo-boo's over to their daddy's bodyguard? Well she went for a tanning session, y'all! Wouldn't you?
After tanning, the Britster abandoned her multi-million dollar house and checked into Beverly Hills' swank Peninsula Hotel.
For more on what Brit's (third) lawyer had to say regarding his client, click here.