TMZ reports that Tori Spelling's fans have taken pity on the poor girl, who's having her baby shower thrown by Tupperware rather than by her own mother or friends. They descended on Le Petit Tresor in droves and have been buying up items on Tori's baby registry, then sending the almost-ready-to-pop actress notes with the gifts that say things like: ""Dear Tori, I felt so bad for you when I read that Tupperware was giving you your shower and not your mother, so here is a little something for your new bundle of joy!"
TMZ notes that no other actresses registered at the trendy baby store has had fans stop in and purchase any baby items for them (Jennifer Garner, Heidi Klum, Katie Holmes and Britney Spears).
I don't know, I like the Tupperware idea. In fact I've got a box of Zip-Loc baggies I'm gonna stick a bow on and send Tori's way right now.