MTV Gears Up for Next Teen Reality Show

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MTV is currently casting it's next show centered around teens, very much along the lines of runaway hit, 'Laguna Beach'. The location is making a big move from sunny CA however, and is now going to be in.....wait for it.....Brooklyn, NY! Huh? Yes, this next outing is casting teens from the Brooklyn High Tech High School in Ft. Green, Brooklyn.

The high school's website has all kinds of great things to say about the student body, such as there's all sorts of cultural crossection, representing the many faces of Brooklyn, the kids are smart and talented, yada, yada, yada. As long as those kids are hot, blonde, have bangin' bodies, are catty as hell, swap boyfriends like nobody's business, and spend an inordinate amount of time in hot tubs and shopping, and no time actually in school, they'll do fine!
