Source: Celebrity Mound
Rapper/actor Ice-T and his wife Nicole "Coco" Austin are writing a book on having a lasting relationship. It sounds good on paper, and then I did a double and then a triple take on how long they've been married. One year and a couple of months. I guess in Hollywood/dog years that's gotta be like a golden anniversary or something, but in the real world it's rather laughable.
I sincerely hope no one spends their hard earned money on a book about marriage, and how to stay in one, from such freshmen as these. I have nothing against Ice-T, and actually I really like him on Law & Order: SVU, but dude, stick to what you know, and let someone who's done it for a bit longer write the how-to books. Let 's get a marriage and relationship book from Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, or Kirk and Ann Douglas, or Bob and Delores Hope, the last married for 69 years.