At the 2010 Motor City Comic Con, Cuzz Gekas and JayHawk Evans assisted me in my efforts for Global Traveler magazine and for this site. Both were veterans of these conventions and both were excellent in helping me.
We approached Jenilee Harrison and found her to be very friendly. Harrison talked about her original hesitancy in doing these conventions, but was happy that she had started doing them. Harrison talked about how much fun it is to meet other celebrities and to see her fans. She seemed touched that so many people had such vivid memories of her from Three's Company.
Harrison gave Cuzz a big hug. I have to credit Cuzz with really connecting with Harrison, which really made her open up a bit more.
Before we left the convention, we went back to Harrison and asked her to do a video promo for this site. She questioned it a bit (who wouldn't?), but happily agreed, if we were in it with her. Sure why not!
At right, you can see Harrison's video promo for Johngy's Beat. Cuzz and I now joke that we did a short, independent film with Jenilee Harrison. JayHawk asserts that he was the Director and Producer. We all had fun (as you can tell), including Harrison. If you read this, Jenilee, a big thanks!