Cuttin' a Rug

Phew. Long night tonight! I've been preparing for tomorrow's 'Martinis and Manicures' event at Beauty Bar all night! I'm super excited (but a tad nervous too!!). Today's manicure was inspired by a rug pattern I saw a while back. I loved the color combination, and the graphic nature of it, so I thought I'd try it as a manicure. Sorry for the middle finger's roughness, still patched that one.

From The Daily Nail

I used American Apparel California Trooper as a base, with Color Club High Society for the lines, Essie Mink Muffs for the darker brown, and a mixture of Essie Vermillionaire and Essie Tart Deco for the corally color. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Wish me luck tomorrow night!! :)

Newest Manicures

Hello My Sweet Nail-Art Lovers
I am posting today couple of m newest manicures that i recently made.
Also Plese check out my Nail art CONTEST
I still didnt get any entries, but got few e-mails from ladies who were interested. I am getting a bit scared if anybody is going to take part at all. Please write a comment to chear me up to let me know that youa re planning to participate. Thanks. I love all you :)
Here are the manicures:

Annual Holiday Open House & Holiday on Main St.

Georgetown Holiday Shop Local Events Flyer | PDF |
Holiday on Main Street Flyer | PDF |


Finally, more darks to the background.
Not great, certainly not frame-worthy! But probably a do-over in the future because I really like the idea; just didn’t get down on paper what’s in my head!

Boogers and Beads

Yup, that's where I've been for the last week. Boogers and beads, but mostly boogers...

It started on Thursday morning when Colden woke up with a fever of 103 and a runny nose. We took him to the pediatrician who didn't see anything obviously wrong with him, and we decided to cancel Thanksgiving with Tom's folks to let Colden rest. (I also woke up feeling pretty crappy that day with a runny nose and a sore throat, so I needed some rest, too.)

The next morning, Colden's fever hit 104.7 and I panicked. Sandy came over and held Colden and let him sleep while I packed a bag and we got ready to go back to the pediatrician.

The next few days are just a blur in my memory - trips to the pediatrician, my fever climbing and my sore throat getting worse and worse, and our frustration at the pediatricians' refusal to give us an antibiotic for Colden because they kept insisting that what he had was viral.

Finally, yesterday, I woke up with my throat so sore and swollen that I couldn't really swallow. I took some Motrin to take care of the pain and went to the walk-in clinic where I'd been a few times to have someone check me out and give me an antibiotic - I was sure that this was another round of strep throat, which I have had before, and which I seem to get when I'm under a lot of stress.

They tried several times to get a throat culture from me, but every time that swab went near the back of my throat, I threw up. I finally told the p.a. to just give me an antibiotic and send me home, because I was tired of the torture. She looked at me like I was five, shook her head and said, "I can't do that because that's just not good medicine." I nearly jumped off the exam table and strangled her with her own pony tail.

"Oh, but it's good medicine to let me go home with an untreated strep infection?" I countered.

"Well, if it is strep, then we need to quarantine you for 24 hours. You won't be able to go to work -"

"That's fine, because I work from home."

She said that she needed to go talk to her supervisor, the doctor who owned the practice. He's a bit of a horse's ass himself, but that's another story for another time.

I heard them conversing outside and then she came back into the room and told me that I had a few options, one of which was giving me an antibiotic without a throat culture.

"Give me the antibiotic," I said again. She sighed and sat down to write me out a prescription for Amoxicillan which I promptly took to the nearest pharmacy and had filled.

Later that afternoon, I sat down in the exam room with Tom and Colden and the pediatrician and told the pediatrician that we wanted an antibiotic for Colden and we were done waiting for the fever to go down. She FINALLY relented and gave us a prescription for Zithromax.

Now, as a former pharmacy technician, I understand the concerns with antibiotic-resistant infections and superbugs. But this, I think, is ridiculous. We've gone from giving antibiotics out like they were candy to restricting their use like they're controlled substances. Why is it impossible to find a happy medium here?

After just two doses of the antibiotics, the swelling in my throat went away, and I could eat and feel normal again. After just one dose of Colden's antibiotics, his fever broke. Coincidence? Maybe. But we probably could have had a much better weekend if the pediatrician had just given us the damn antibiotic on Saturday instead of making us wait all weekend.

Okay, getting off my soap box now.

Tomorrow, beady stuff, I promise!

Gilbert Crockett makes great shoes

The newest episode of Adventures of Chris & Gilbert is up HERE.
Check out Gilbert as he works on a new shoe for Vans....

Vote for Donovon Piscopo's shop on TWS

Round 8 of the Transworld East vs West Video contest is up
spotlighting flow bro Donovon Piscopo"s dad's shop, Pawnshop,
with a bunch of Donovan and Taylor Smith footage.
To cast you vote Go HERE.

Curren & Langi on Flip Tour

Check out Curren Caples, Langi & Rowley on their West Coast Flip Tour:


Before he was on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Ted Allen was part of the Famished Four, a quartet of reviewers for the (now defunct) Lerner Newspapers. I was also at Lerner Newspapers at the time.
When I first started, Allen and I worked out of different offices. Within a couple months, I was sent to the Chicago office to work on the annual circulation audit. I ended up working out of that office for a lengthy stretch and then splitting my time there for another long stretch.
During that time I got to know Allen a bit. We were not tight as friends, but we were certainly friendly co-workers. We occasionally could be found at the same bar or party. Allen was a nice guy and seemed talented. He looked destined to go on to bigger and better thi
ngs and he did!

Kitty Glitter

I'm running out of animal prints to do in glitter! :-P I totally love this manicure, and it's one that I kinda want to keep for more than a day... I may, I may not. :-D Nubar makes the best glitters out of any polish brand I've used, They're freaking awesome, and glitter packed!

I used Nubar Petunia Sparkle as a base, with Nubar Violet Sparkle for the spots, outlined in American Apparel Hassid. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.


Brazilian Computer Mouse - Minnie in Pink

New sister art in my shop

This sweet piece is created on a background of collage with acrylics. Size = 9 inches x 12 inches. I am hoping to fill my shop up with sisters, brothers, and brothers and sisters, and maybe a few mothers and daughters....
this piece is created using a lot of collage elements, a rare piece, since I don't create collage very much anymore...I hope you are still eating lots of turkey leftovers,,,,,,,I know I am,,,now time for the gym!


Beauty Bar Ladies Night Manicure Event! :)

I've had so many people asking about the event Wednesday night that it was hard to respond to everyone in a timely manner, so here is the info you've been waiting for!!

Come get your nails painted by me! :) (I really want a ginormous turnout!!)

Wednesday Ladies Night

Where: Beauty Bar Las Vegas,
              517 Fremont St # 150
              Las Vegas, NV 89101

When: December 1, 2010, Doors open at 9pm

What: Open Bar for ladies 9pm - 10pm

DJ Stabb

$1 wells / $2 call drinks for ladies 'til midnight

Nail Polish changes and nail art by Melissa Osburn of The Daily Nail


TNT & Alex Olson in S#*T Sandwich

Crailtap's Ben Colen made a fun video
of throwaway fun footage from the past couple months, AO & Trujillo made cameos:

Shit Sandwich from Ben Colen on Vimeo.

Silver Prices - The Good and the Bad

by Patty Lakinsmith

First the bad news: The price of silver is through the roof. Many jewelry artists depend on this metal for their work - some exclusively, and others partially. Either way it's not good, as the cost of buying it as a material or a finished product has never been more expensive.

I started out using exclusively sterling silver findings (headpins, ear wires, accent beads), and over the years have used more and more fine (pure) silver as I worked more with precious metal clay. The two materials work well together - you can embed fine silver wire into metal clay to make very functional components.

What are my options? Well, 50 grams of metal clay that cost me around $70 at the beginning of the year now cost close to $100. I could bit the bullet and buy more, or I could consider other materials. Perhaps the key is to just use less silver in my work, and to consider it more of an accent than a main element. Raising prices right now is not something that artists want to do. I've recently been using more alternative metals like brass and copper in my pieces, and liking the results.

One of the bright sides is that maybe this pressure will nourish a spate of creativity in us all as we look for new alternatives. Maybe (I hope) we will come to appreciate more kinds of beauty than just that associated with this one particular metal. Maybe repurposing and recycling itself will become the sought after, instead of some arbitrary, manipulated commodity.

This necklace by Reworkd on Etsy incorporates recycled vintage typewriter keys and steampunk elements, typically consisting of watch parts and other mechanical bits. Typewriter key jewelry is rampant on Etsy.

There are tons of recycled elements found in jewelry these days, from scrabble tiles, bottle caps, license plates, skeleton keys, dominos, plastic shopping bags, bullets, saris, broken china, skateboards, vinyl records, and even recycled sneakers and more.
Kathleen Plate is using recycled wine bottles for jewelry, home decor, and even clothing. This kind of work just makes me feel good inside. You know someone had a good time drinking the wine, she likely loves making things from the bottles, and when you bring one of her pieces home it makes you happy to look at it and for helping the planet.

I doubt that a rubber bracelet will ever convey as much value to its wearer as a silver one, but the other bright side of this is that now is a great time to sell your silver scrap. I'm also taking it as a personal challenge to find more creative elements to use in my jewelry, and I think that's a good thing.

How are you dealing with the price of precious metals these days?

Friendly Encounters

This is a weekly feature highlighting friends who have met celebs.

A while back, while researching for an online piece for Global Traveler, I came across "Evil Pete" (not to be confused with Evil Zebra). Pete is the founder of 505, a social network in the Lancaster (PA) area. The piece can still be found here, if you want to read more of Pete's story or to just check out my GT work).
Pete had a handful of great old school pictures of him as a youngster with various Philadelphia Eagles. He graciously allowed me to run the photos and his story.
Pete is pictured with Wade Key, a former guard and tackle with the Eagles in the 1970's. Key's entire career was with the Eagles and spanned all ten seasons of the 70's. Key was a solid player and one of the first football cards I ever had. Yes, that first card did feature Key in the very posed traditional guard stance. I love those old cards and this old photo.
Wade Key and Pete in West Chester, PA-Summer 1975.

A Winner and the Spotlight...

by MaryAnn Carroll

Due to Thanksgiving falling on the same day that we announce our weekly Call-to-Create Designer Spotlight Winner, we did not select a designer to be shown off on our blog. Today we will be announcing that designer AND announcing our weekly LMAJ Giveaway Winner...... 

Soooooooo....without further ado,
Our Designer Spotlight winner is...

Lu Behrman from Designed by Lu.

~Hidden Forest~

Hidden Forest III

Here is how Lu described this gorgeous necklace...

Deeply etched copper forest pendant (44x34mm) by jenniferstumpf; bronze leaf by summerstudio; glass headpins by GardanneBeads; HUGE (approx. 3/4") lampwork nuggets by twosisters; and the incredible chestnut/indigo chain and toggle clasp by missficklemedia. Measures 24"...

Now...for the winner of this beautiful necklace by our own Mary Jane Dodd......

using the random number generator, the #1 was picked......and that person is...
Carol DeLater.

Congratulations, Carol!  You're one lucky woman :O)  Check out Carol's blog Beads and Birds.

Disco Animal

Getting so excited, I started painting nail wheels tonight in preparation for the event Wednesday at Beauty Bar! Tonight I wanted to use a polish that I've had since April, but haven't used yet- a Nubar Glitter that is super sparkly and pretty!

I used Nubar Green Silver Glitter as a base, with MAC Deep, Dark, Delicious for the zebra stripes. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

Also, if you follow me on twitter, I mentioned being excited for an amazing 6-course meal that was upcoming. Today, I have the pics from the photoshoot! The food was created by Chef Frank Otte, an AMAZING chef who creates Haute Cuisine. Saturday night, he prepared the absolute best meal that has ever passed my lips. I don't say this lightly, he was so amazing at his craft that he managed to take items that I generally will NOT eat, (beets, brussel sprouts, peas) and transformed them into something that created nothing short of an 'o' face. He introduced me to foods I've never tried before (swordfish, juniper oil, creamy sauerkraut), which I will forever be grateful for. Seriously, how did I LIVE before creamy sauerkraut? Really? Anyway. Check out his website, Chef Frank Otte - Haute Cuisine, you won't regret it. (well, after seeing the photos you may, they're drool-inducing)

To the menu!

Course 1: Salad of micro greens, roasted beets, avocado, pear with toasted walnuts, shower of goat cheese, and balsamic beet reduction.
Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission
Course 2: Celery root soup with petit brioche croutons and scallion oil.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

Course 3: Tar tar of wild Scottish salmon with basil and coriander, Persion cucumber carpaccio, Greek yogurt, dill oil, and avocado mousse.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

Course 4: Sage and prosciutto wrapped Atlantic Swordfish "saltimbocca", with creamy sauerkraut, thyme roasted apple, and fingerling potatoes in Juniper oil.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

Course 5: Roasted crepinette of game hen breast with herbs, cauliflower ragout, brussel sprouts, and pomegranate gastrique.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

Course 6: Cabernet braised short ribs with handmade carrot gnocchi, English peas and gorgonzola sauce.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

Dessert: Caramelized puff pastry "mille fuille" with chestnut pureé, fresh clementines, pomegranate syrup, and vanilla sauce.

Photo Credit-Chris Sneddon used by permission

I ate everything except one piece of the crepinette of game hen (not because I didn't like it, but because I was to the gills at that point! lol), and most of the peas. I was sooooo full I was in pain, but it was a good pain. lol My favorite dish was the Swordfish, it was beyond incredible. *yum*

Catchup - Thoughtbubble 2010


Updates are few and far between at the minute 'cos of sheer workload, so here's a quick link to mine and Graham McNeills' adventures in Leeds, at the always amazing Leeds Thoughtbubble convention, via The Black Library:

Click on the link to read.

So, as an update proper, I'm working on a new piece for a new publisher, finishing up on a couple of logo's and I'm about to start work on a new Graham McNeill Horus Heresy cover: "Outcast Dead", oh, and a 2000AD cover to keep me company over the Christmas break.


I think my New Years promise should be more updates, more regularly.

Following the Followers.....

by MaryAnn Carroll

One of the great things about being an author on this blog is the freedom to go with whatever I want to write about.  Of course, I need to stay focused and probably shouldn't write about things that are unrelated such as the fact that, at this moment, many birds are flying all around my window and keep coming back and forth to the bird blind dog who insists on sitting on my lap while I type on the computer.....Whoops!  ...   losing focus!!  These are my current doesn't take much ;o)

That tends to be a problem for me.  My brain is one of those that just jumps from idea to idea and it has a hard time staying in one place.  When I'm on a mission, however, no matter how big or small, I am able to keep focused for an extended period of time. Today's mission was to find 10 artists who follow Love My Art Jewelry and show off their artwork...

Whether it is finished jewelry or components that you might want to add to your own jewelry designs, check out what some of our followers have been doing in the world of~

~creating handmade with handmade~

Some very cool components by annaleesa...

a finished necklace using handmade ceramic components by designedbylu...

very cool pure silver earrings by dreamsome...

who wouldn't love this embroidered bracelet by hidingplacebeadery...

a lovely resin-filled handmade ring by lucidmoonstudio...

gorgeous raku focal by makustudio...

right in the Christmas spirit with these etched trees by mjalexander386...

fab necklace by scjjewelrydesign...

a very funky pendant by sculptedwindows...

and lastly, this awesome pendant created by urbandon...

How fun is that?  Not only did it keep me focused, but I had a blast shopping in these stores....

Don't forget ... tomorrow we will be drawing for the fabulous necklace made by Mary Jand Dodd.  Also, stay tuned for the winner of our Call-to-Create.  There is still one day left!!!