do i have a commitment issue?

it's not what you are thinking - 

lately i am  having trouble creating finished pieces of jewelry... i have ideas (all sketched out in my journal and floating around my head), i try to sit down and then i get antsy... really antsy... 

i know that i need things to feel right before i can complete a piece... do i have the right gemstones to represent what is needed? the right balance of metal and fibers? plus i also need the head static to quiet down and that hasn't been happening...  

so lately, i keep making more components - 

i play with enameling (thanks to barbara lewis), setting eyelets, etching and texturing... 

i play with patina (thanks to shannon levart), fusing, stamping and shibuichi... 

i play with soldering, resin and words - getting those discs sooo close to being all grown up... 

these too - they have just graduated from wax sealing finishing school... 

'when work, commitment and pleasure all become one
and you reach that deep well where passion lives,
nothing is impossible.'
~ author unknown