Steampunk Jewelry : Coral

Steampunk Jewelry - RING - RED CORAL

For the Methaphysically inclined :

Coral consists of the calcified skeletal remains of sea creatures called Coral Polyps. Their dense limestone skeletons cluster and build over many years to form coral reefs and islands.

As a mineral of organic origin, it helps the wearer to connect with nature.

Coral has also been called "Bones of the Sea" and "Garden of the Sea."

As a very ancient gemstone, Coral has many superstitions and beliefs attached to it. Being from the sea, it was thought to carry the power of the oceans, and was carried by sailors to protect them at sea. It was thought to ward off hurricanes and bring good weather. It was once believed to cure madness, and was also worn to attract love and prosperity, and to ward off evil thoughts of ill-wishers. It was especially good for women (to promote fertility), children (to ease teething and to keep safe), and the elderly (to reduce the pain of arthritis).

Modern healing properties of Coral include strengthening bone structure and healing mending bones, easing depression, stop bleeding and promote healing, and to protect against skin disease. It was once believed the red Coral would change color with illness. It would fade to white at the onset of illness, and would turn yellow with black spots as death approached. A dream of Coral was thought to foretell the recovery from a long illness.

Coral is a birthstone for October, and is used for the 35th anniversary.

Red Coral stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals. It protects from depression and despondency. Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn. Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system. Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid.