I met Cuzz through Chuck and Jim (the Gekas brothers). Cuzz is a staunch Michigan fan, as well as a big fan of the Detroit Tigers and San Diego Padres. He is a knowledgeable sports fan, from the basics to the very obscure (such as his vast knowledge of backup catchers and infielders).
Cuzz and I have started the Backup Catcher Hall of Fame, to honor the great backup catchers of our lifetime. The BCHOF really started through our (lengthy and thorough) discussions on backup catchers on our various trips through the years.
Cuzz is a great friend. Sure the debate over Larry Haney versus Junior Ortiz might get heated on occasion, but there is nobody I'd rather have on stage with me when we induct each new class of BCHOF'ers.
I hope Cuzz has a great day and follows it with a fantastic year. This one's for you Cuzz...Happy Birthday, my friend.
Cuzz, Jim and me at the Big House in Ann Arbor, MI-Fall 2005.