So as I've said in my about me I found about Konad through a video on Youtube by Sayanythingbr00ke so here it is. These nails caught my attention because I absolutely love color and when I was young I was completely obsessed with Lisa Fank along with Hello Kitty which I haven't gotten over yet. So here it is Thanks Brooke!
After seeing this video I of course subscribed to her channel and watch every video from start to end if it has to do with nails and nail polish of course sorry Brooke not very big on makeup. In her videos she would comment about nails blog and different wesite to get the products she was using as well as where to get good deals. I then visited the sites she talked about and I now visit 2 blogs daily. Those 2 blogs are..... The Nailphile and Scrangie.
I absolutely LOVE The Nailphile she reviews all kinds of nail polishes and is very descriptive of every aspect of the polish oh and cant forget she takes absolutely great pictures of her nails under sunlight and artificial light. The 2nd blogger is Scrangie she also reviews nail polishes as well as other nail and beauty products. If you ever wonder what a nail polish looks like out the bottle go to Scrangie and she probably has a great swatch for it.
So if you like anyhting that has to do with nails you must visit 3 websites and they are: