Autumn Crosses

We'll get to the nail art in just a minute, I promise. First, thanks to Rachel for emailing me to let me know that Nail Art Tuesday made the top 50 nail blogs list! I'm number 13...which is very cool. Go check it out, along with all the other fabulous blogs on the list!
On to this week's design. My "finished" photos are dark for some reason - sorry about that. The base color is Finger Paints "Autumn Blazes", and is a dark berry wine color that I just love. This was my first experience with Finger Paints polish, and i have to say, I really really like it. Super nice formula, goes on great, highly pigmented - excellent overall. I doubt this will be my last bottle.
This is a better photo of the color, though a little bright due to the flash. After two coats of the base polish (over China Glaze base coat), I got out my white Cina nail art pen and put the first cross on each nail. I tried to offset the intersections, and vary the heights for interest.
Then I got the black nail art pen out, and went over them again, making a second cross just next to the first.
I was going to stop there...but it needed...something. So I grabbed my rhinestones and put a clear one at each intersection for a little extra 3D bling, set in a thin layer of China Glaze quick-dry top coat.
One more coat of top coat to seal, and clean up in the morning - voila! A very simple, yet interesting design.
Next week...hmm. Maybe something gold, I think.

Until then, happy polishing!