Imagine that swooping in my stomach when this petite, funky woman with beautiful blonde, spiky hair came over to my booth, picked up "The Thief", wore it for about thirty seconds, and then asked me if I could make it smaller. I almost didn't know what to say! But of course, it was just a matter of removing some of the bamboo beads on the back of the piece to make it smaller, and I had it all done within an hour.

Once again, when she tried on this necklace, it looked as though I had designed it just for her. It matched her coloring, her style and her hair perfectly. It was one of those moments when everything just sort of...clicked.
Of course, I was a little sad to see it go. I made that piece for a wedding that I never got to attend because it was the summer that I was sick when I was pregnant with Colden. And I finished the fringe after I found out that I was pregnant with Colden, when the exhaustion was so bad that it was hard to just lift my arm to thread the needle. It was also the piece that resulted in many lovely emails and convos on Etsy from admirers, including Carol Dean Sharpe of Sand Fibers.
As a little gift to myself, I picked up this ultra-funky, long chain necklace from Edison Collections. I wasn't planning on buying anything for myself today, but when I saw this necklace, it just reminded me of all of the pieces of my grandmother's jewelry that I used to play with when I was a kid. It's made with vintage chain and a recycled watch face that still keeps time! And of course, there was that cool, sparkly Swarovski crystal hanging from the bottom...
And it's getting very late now. 10:30, and we finally just got Colden to sleep, so I need to go write a couple of blog posts and then get some sleep!