New Steampunk Sculpture : Work in Progress

I'm making a new steampunk sculpture but i wont tell anyone what it will be yet . However i will be posting the progress of it's construction in this blog post .

The frame of this sculpture will be made of wire-wrapped brass and copper with an old brass pocket watch movement . For the first time i will also use some LED lights and Polymer clay . Because electronics doest match with the aesthetics of what i want my sculpture to look like , The challenge is to hide some of the component . With polymer clay i figured i can sculpt any shape i need .

Here's the first picture of the compartment i will be placing my power source . 2 AAA batteries at 1.5 v so a total of 3 v . I made it in polymer clay that i will later paint in metallic colors .

I will connect 3 green LED in parallel , Because the source is 3v and my LED are at 2.2V, i have to use Resistors to reduce the voltage . I use an online Resistors calculator to find out precisely what i need . I have to get 3 x 82 Ohm resistors .

I also have a nice on/off switch .

OK , Back to work !!
I have a lot of polymer clay to sculpt and bake .