This is the first time my Jewelry has ever been on TV .
A few month ago the costume designer for warehouse 13 contacted me to purchase many of my items . I knew that something i made would be on the show but i didn't know what piece or which character would be wearing my Jewelry !
What better Character than Claudia with her Cool style !
I realized she was wearing it when i watched the video blog she made : Do It With Style! - Warehouse 13 : Allison Scagliotti's Video Blog :
I'm so happy i had to share the news with everyone !
SERAPHINITE a.k.a Clinoclore :
Seraphinite (or Serefina), also known by the name Clinochlore, is a common member of the Chlorite Group of minerals. Clinochlore derives its name from the Greek "klino" meaning "oblique" or "inclined" and "chloros" meaning "green" as it is commonly colored deep forest green to green-black with inclusions of silvery Mica. Seraphinite, is derived from the Latin word "seraphin" referring to the first order of angels. The allusion to angels is due to the feathery wing patterns made by the silvery Mica contained within the stone. The Mica inclusions exhibit a chatoyancy and giving Seraphinite a wavery sheen.
For the methapysically inclined :
Often referred to as "an angel stone" due to its feathery look and strong Air to Earth qualities, Seraphinite is said to help facilitate contact and communication with the angels of the highest level.